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3 Common Issues After iPhone Repair or Replacement

There are numerous solutions for repairing your iPhone through iPhone repair parts. The repair professionals can rectify issues that were previously undetected. However, the truth is that replacing key parts in iPhone models causes several functionalities to stop working.  The majority of the elements of an iPhone are enabled by default. These features operate solely through…

The Ultimate Guide to Fix your Phone Battery

Though phone battery damages are not as common as a cracked screen nothing lasts forever. If you have witnessed that your battery can not hold a charge for long then it might be time for you to replace your old battery. Battery replacement would not cost you more and thus do not delay in replacing…

Recycle Broken Screen Glass and Protect Environment

Replacing the cracked LCD screen of your phone rather than getting a new phone is good for both your wallet and the environment. No matter how carefully you are, it’s just a matter of time before you need to fix your broken screen. Following are the two ways by which you can ensure that your…

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